Monday, March 1, 2021

Hello again! Good to be back.

I'm so sorry I haven't been around for such a long time. Just haven't been able to get my mini mojo together. My DD Leanne calls every morning and always asks "What are you going to do today" to which I reply "I don't know" and she says "Okay, is it going to be a one, two, or three book day?"

Quite honestly, most were "two book" days thanks to  But I'm hoping that this challenge will get me back into miniatures.

During M.E.E.'S February 2 meeting,  the club decided to do a "Trash to Treasure" challenge. Tina, Joanne and I put together a list of items and it was sent to club members on February 7.

If you want to play along, please do. It's a lot of fun and stretches your imagination.

If you want to get some ideas, check out the last T2T I did. (That's the first post, select next post to keep following that project.) I've forgotten how much fun these are. They take me back to the 'olden' days when almost everything had to be made from scratch.      

 Trash to Treasure: 

Rules Your creation can be any scale. You must use 25 out of the 35 items listed below. You do not have to use all of the item, but if it is one of your choices, you must use some of the item. For example, you may choose beads (item 2) but only use 2 beads instead of all 10. When you submit your entry, you must describe how you used each item you selected.

 1. 4 feathers 

2. 10 Beads 

3. 3 cotton balls 

4. 10" sq wrapping paper 

5. Eraser 

6. 5 stir sticks, popsicle sticks or tongue depressors 

7. Small box (no side longer than 3") 

8. 2 stickers 

9. 4 bottle caps (any size) 

10. Greeting card 

11. 6" fun foam sheet 

12. 6" Felt square 

13. 6 Toothpicks 

14. 2 sheets of paper (8.5 x 11) 

15. 1 full sheet of cardstock (any colour) 

16. 4 Q Tips 

17. 3 Thumb Tacks or Push Pins (any type) 

18. 6" length of ribbon or lace 

19. 2 Toothpaste caps (or any toiletry lid) 

20. Small mirror (under 2") 

21. Tea Bag or coffee grounds 

22. 6" Sq fabric (any print or solid)

 23. 2 Paper or binder clips (any size/type) 

24. 6 Straight Pins 

25. A Napkin/paper towel 

26. 2 Straws 

27. 2 Pipe cleaners 

28. 1 Styrofoam or paper 8 oz cup 

29. 1 Lid from yogurt/sour cream container 

30. 2 nut shells (pistachio, walnut, peanut) 

31. Aluminum foil 2-inch square 

32. 6-inch square of sandpaper 

33. 1 Egg carton 

34. 6-inch square of foam core 

35. 5 sequins

 PLUS: One other type of supply item from your house. This is a supply item not a piece of miniature furniture or an accessory. 

You can use unlimited quantities of: colouring items (e.g., paint, crayons, markers, etc.) and glue. If you want, you can use your computer to turn a paper/card stock item into a printie. In addition, you may use one container (e.g., roombox) for your final scene. 

Entries are due by April 6. Please plan to show off your entry at our April General Meeting. All entries will be placed in a draw, and the winner will get a prize. All entries will be entered into the “Trash to Treasure” section of our 2021 Show and Sale displays.

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