Wednesday, March 3, 2021

If it were a snake,

 it would have bit me...

That was one of my Dad's sayings. You know - something SO obvious that it's right there in your face.

When I decided to make the aquarium, I thought back to M.E.E. member, Jillian, who taught us a great workshop on making 'water'.

She had mentioned using Craft clear glue from Dollarama so most of us (I think) went out and bought it. For $1.25, how could we go wrong.

So I KNEW I had some...

Now at the end of one of my worktables, I keep all my big bottles of glue! It wasn't there...

so I kept looking and looking and looking and couldn't find it.....

So Joanne calls and we're discussing my tale of woe... and she asks me about something (can't remember what) but I go into my workroom to check it out and....lo and behold..

There...right before my eyes..are my two shoeboxes of glues.. AND I spot the clear glue I have been searching for for days.


  1. Oh yes...I'm so familiar with this concept its ridiculous.

    1. Aren't we all?! Lat time I 'cleaned' my workroom, I put a bunch of Christmas stuff in a new location and for months, I kept looking where it used to be.

  2. Me suena tan familiar buscar, no encontrar y...tenerlo delante! jajaja!!

  3. Algunas cosas son iguales sin importar dónde viva. Abrazos.
