Saturday, September 14, 2024

R.I.P. Joanne Prodor

From Sunni Dixon:

It is sad news to announce the sudden passing of the founder of the Miniature Enthusiasts of Edmonton . In the cold winter of 1982 Joanne, along with a couple of her friends had the idea to start a club. She led and inspired us and organized us for many years. We met pretty much every Tuesday night ! Such wonderful times and friendships still existing to this very day.

Our heartfelt condolences go out to her family. 

As a latecomer (2002) to M.E.E., I only got to meet Joanne a few times but her legacy certainly lives on in our club. What Sunni didn't go into above was the fact that those die-hard miniatures who attended that first meeting had to leave their vehicles running in the parking lot as it was -40 degrees that night. Now that's dedication.

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