Friday, September 20, 2024

Barb, the Potluck Dinner ornament, and Barb again, CBC

My friend, fellow miniaturist and upstairs neighbour, Barb, came by yesterday afternoon to see what I had purchased at the Show and Sale and see my displays. Had a great visit.

Later, I looked through my stash and purchases to see what I could possibly use in the Potluck dinner ornament and came up with these things:

Think these will work over the table and chairs on the right hand side.
Wanted to hand this from the ceiling for it's too large and blocked the tree so it's out.

Had thought to cut off the golf tee as a base for a table to go with the furniture below. The golf tee will still work but that piece of lazer poop will not. Need something a big bigger in diameter and thinner in depth.

Found these great 1:24 scale Christmas card on Jim Collins/Small Stuff 
 printie site. (One of my all time-favourites!) Plan on putting them on the left side of the room.

Maybe chair seats and/or cushions on the furniture.

In the meantime, Barb had gone through her stash and found some things she hoped would work for the scene. 

And I had gone through my collection of the first five years of American Miniaturist magazines and found several needlework patterns that I thought Barb might like to try as she does incredible needlework in both RL and miniature.

So I visited her this afternoon and we had a wonderful session of "What do you think?" Those brainstorming sessions are the thing that Zoom sessions will never replace.

One of the ideas that we came up with was changing the colour of the furniture from Debbie from the yellow/gold to a forest green. Another was making small cushions from the plaid ribbons and possibly covering the chair seats on the table chairs with the plaid.

So it's coming together in my head, at least.

In other news, I heard from the CBC and the filming of Ann's kitchen has been delayed until mid-October. Bless her heart, Ann has agreed to that and my daughter has that week off work so we will be able to take the kitchen in then. Looking forward to it.

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