Monday, August 5, 2024

Christmas ornament 3

I've decided to move the tree to the centre back with the table and chairs on the right and a settee on the left.

Still having trouble wrapping my head around 1:24 scale so I originally thought I might be able to bash this somehow into 1:24. First I tried shortening the legs to the crossbar on the sides but all that did was chip off the black paint and loosen all the other joints. Simply would not work. 

So back to my stash with no luck. Then I remembered some fans that I have on one of my bulletin boards. Now I'm thinking I can use the two thicker outer pieces (1 and 5 from the left below) for the sides; three of the inner pieces (2, 3, and 4 below) for the back and the scrap of wood on the right for a seat. It's sort of coming together in my head so now it's just a matter of making it happen.

These are the smaller gifts that I purchased from Louise Z. Aren't they gorgeous! Won't use  them all but they'll make a lovely display under the tree.

How it looks so far...

If I can get the settee to work, I think I'm on the right track.


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