Sunday, August 11, 2024

A work of art

As a rule, I don't buy other peoples' miniatures. Having said that, I do have three pieces in my collection of about 50 in my home that were made by other miniaturists. Two (made by Joyce Buchanan and Jan Mann) are hangings that I alternate on my door throughout the year and another is a Jan Mann piece that hangs on the wall of my dining room. Both miniaturists were very early members of the Miniature Enthusiasts of Edmonton.

Well, yesterday, I added another miniaturists' work to my collection. This is a Christmas miniature done by Karen Jones who was a former member and executive of M.E.E. 

From the back
From the front

The lycopodium tree with candles and ornaments.

The fireplace with garland, cards and centrepiece...and the needlepoint wallhanging.

The chair, gift bag, and the bag of wrapping paper.

The wrapping paper, ribbons and the wonderful little black dog with the ribbon around his neck and in his mouth.

Thank you, Karen, for your expertise and skill as a miniaturist. I'm proud to have this example of your work in my collection.

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