Thursday, July 4, 2024

Joyce Buchanan/Christmas ornament setting miniature

Joyce Buchanan was a multi-talented early member of M.E.E.. Unfortunately, I only met her once when Joanne R. and I picked up a good deal of her completed works when she donated them to the club before she went into assisted living. 

Those pieces were auctioned off by the club and I was fortunate enough to buy this wall-hanging which hangs on the door of my condo. 

This was the piece that I bought from Marg W. at our recent club garage sale. It had lost a lot of its glory so Marg had stripped it down to basics.

Her signature which I will leave in place.

I removed the ribbon as it was showing its age.

One strip of the silver braid had become loose...

so I glued it back in place and taped it to dry.

I measured the diameter of the ornament just under the silver trim around the bottom of the ornament. It was 6.5" so I went into my Microsoft document under shapes and drew a circle 6.5" in diameter.

Then I cut that circle out and taped pieces of coffee stir sticks across it to stabilize it
and added a loop of tap over the centre to give me control over positioning it.

When that template fit in place, I used it to cut  piece of matboard for the floor of the ornament. I used red matboard (because I had some) but I might want to use a small piece of carpet or velvet which may work a bit better with the angles of the walls.

I will probably stabilize the piece of cardstock with strips of wood on the underside.

Now I just have to figure out how to fill this thing to make it worthy of display!.

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