Monday, June 24, 2024

Recent acquisitions

 My DS, Shirley, picked these up for me at a garage sale on her crescent, Saturday before last.

This lovely cabinet is 16 1/4" tall including the base and top. Without the base and top it's
 15" tall, 11 3/4" wide and 6 1/4" deep with two shelves in the middle. 
This shelving unit is 22 1/2" high x 11 3/4" wide x 6
 1/4" deep. The shelves are 4" apart.

Don't know where they'll go yet.

This past Saturday, June 22, was our first annual in-person club garage sale since the pandemic. The morning was the garage sale with several club members cleaning out their stashes. The afternoon was a series of "Make and Take" projects.

It was really nice to see old friends in person and meet several new members.

I had no intention of buying anything (famous last words) but, of course, ended up getting a few things.

Liliane was selling these two display pieces that I just had to have for my modern art gallery.
Got this great 9 1/2" cube of glass and chrome from Barb S.. Expect it will become my new modern art gallery rather than the room I had originally planned.

This was a freebie from Marg W. and originally by former club member Joyce Buchanan
. The ball is 8" in diameter. I will use it for the setting for my miniature door prize at our condo's Potluck Christmas dinner.

Got the next two items from a new member whose name unfortunately eludes me at the moment.
These leather scraps are paper thin. I can see possibly some books bound in it or gloves or....
Lots of possibilities!

I am probably most excited about obtaining these three 12" x 3" sheets of tooling copper. The Royal Hotel, 10010 - 178 Street, Edmonton has a wonderful piece of art in the lobby that I have been hoping to recreate in miniature for years. I've picked up several things over the years that I hoped would work (none did, much to my sorrow) but I have high hopes for this. You can see a picture of it here.

Picked up this french door from Pat M. Think I'll use it to replace the current solid door between the bedroom and walk-in closet that I'm working on.

Love this little plexi and mirror piece from Marg W. Think it is actually a sales counter in 1:24 scale but I plan on using it as an end table in 1:12 scale.

Got four sheets of scrapbooking paper from the FREE table. There are two sheets of pink with tiny white polka dots, one sheet with muted pink diamonds and the one sheet of black, gray and white stripes. I do love black and white!

I do really hope that these things will give me a much needed kick-in-the-pants and get me working on minis again.

But before I do anything, I have to clean my workroom which has become very much a dumping ground for everything I've been too lazy to put away. Wish me luck!

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