Thursday, April 2, 2020

A gift from DS Marie

Once again, Marie came through with a great mini gift. She told me it was originally in a 10" x 10" frame and was purchased from the Leonardo Fine Arts Gallery in Cornwall, Ontario.

It is signed on the mat but unfortunately I can't make out the signature. Also tried doing an image search with no luck.

No matter. It's a lovely little piece. The art itself is only 2" x 2" but in order to preserve the signature, I plan on framing it with a half inch mat all around.

Still can't seem to get into "mini" mode. Doing lots of reading but that's about all.....

However, I would like to suggest once again, my friend, Marjike's blog. She is making excellent use of her time in isolation - catching up on UFOs and sttarting a wonderful new project. Highly recommend it.

After waiting over 4 months for my cataract surgery (April 9 and 16), still haven't heard anything from my ophthalmologist but they're closed this week and doubt very much if it will happen. And, quite honestly, I'd feel much more comfortable self-isolating and postponing the surgery as much as I want it done.

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