I spent a good part of Friday and most of Saturday pondering Mirabel's roombox, checking out my stash and preparing items to go into it.
First of all, I decided that putting a buffet (original idea) or a china cabinet in the dining area would make it too crowded. So nixed those. Then I decided to put a rug under the dining room table. Nothing in my commercial rugs worked so checked my carpet drawer which contains a great stash of large pieces of upholstery samples from a book my DS Marie gave me years ago. Decided on this piece and cut a piece for that side of the room.
The original size was 9" x 6 1/2" but ended up cutting it down to 7 3/4" x 5 1/2". |
I copied the front page of the art work book that I bought at the Estate sale on to cardstock as I wanted the prints to be sturdier.
I cut out two of the floral prints for the dining room then trimmed them in silver using this very fine silver tape that DS Leanne gave me. (It's one of about 20 - 25 different rolls of tape used for fingernail art that she gave me awhile back.)
It's wonderful but it's really difficult to work with and it took me about 45 minutes to trim the two pictures. But worth it in the long run.
The next thing was to frame the picture for above the fireplace. For that I decided to use one 1/4" strip of cherry veneer that I also decided to stain with the dark Dollarama stain pen.
This is a fridge magnet with artwork by Judy Schafers, a local artist. It's on 3/8" foamcore and I want to affix it to the wall with Velcro coins so the difference between the foamcore and the veneer strip will help hide the Velcro.
I first glued the veneer strips to the long sides of the picture, leaving a bit of veneer hanging over each end. When the glue dried, I trimmed the veneer flush with the picture. Then I added the veneer to the short sides. When that glue dried, I trimmed those pieces also then touched up the raw ends with stain.
Here it is framed.
Here the Velcro has been added to the back. The protective plastic was been left on the second pieces of Velcro until it's ready to be hung.
Next step was to apply movable miniature glue to all the pieces I wanted to glue in place: the corner shelf, its contents, the candlesticks, the flowers, the pictures and the cloisonne floor vase. Here you can see how I used thread spools to keep the candlesticks in place while the glue dried.
This wonderful corner shelf by Judy Mitchell contains (top down): a little angel by Cheryl Hartlen,
a 'Royal Doulton' lady and an orange vase. (It was hard to find something that would fit on that bottom shelf.)
Oh, my, I do have to straighten that picture on the right!
The living room picture in place.
I think it's starting to take shape quite nicely.
Things left to do (that I can think of and plan on at this point):
. have to replace Mirabel's glasses on the coffee table (lost them somehow)
. add some magazines
. wood in the fireplace
. add something to the top of the fireplace
. see if I can find my fireplace tools