Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Mirabel's roombox - Finally finished!!

Over the years, I have bought some roomboxes thinking I could take out the pieces and re-purpose them only to find that everything was SO glued in that to remove anything would damage the piece.

On the other hand, if you don't glue things in place, you can't move a roombox without constantly putting it back together again.

So...when I finish a roombox, I try to get that 'twix and tween' situation where the room is stabilized yet not totally permanent.

Rather than glue everything in, I try to use double-sized carpet tape (the gauze type), poster velcro (extremely thin), and repositionable  mini glue. The mini glue doesn't seem to be available anymore but I still have one bottle of it. I've been told that Aleene's "Tack-it-Over-and Over" works much the same.

Here I've mini-glued the bottoms of all the furniture pieces and the fireplace tools. The rug and the clock have double-faced carpet tape.

Here's the right side of the room. (The cushions are not glued/tacked down.). I'm so excited that I have to keep mentioning that the clock is a working clock!

The left side of the room. All the pieces on the table and the corner piece had been put in place with miniature movable glue awhile back.

Now everything is in place....

Marie won't be out soon and Carol probably won't be out until I'm in Ontario so I will call Diane at Mission Hill Village and arrange for a time for Shirley and me to present it to Mirabel sometime next week.

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