Saturday, February 1, 2025

Bit off more than I can chew in that time frame....

After I decided to do the scrapbooking room for Jo, I spent the first night cutting out 8 pages of 9 different scrapbooking pages. OMG, I had forgotten how long it takes to cut out little pieces of paper.

With the printing of all my saved files out of the way, I decided to look for the wallpaper to use in the room. Found two nice pieces in my wallpaper drawer then proceeded to look for the thin cork board to use in the scene. 

Well, that's where life got interesting! I have a great piece of very thin corkboard  from Lee Valley that I used in the last scrapbooking vignette. However, it is not hanging on a skirt hanger in the closet where it used to be. Double check - definitely not there! Try the other closet on the off chance - not there. Check the workroom bulletin boards - not there.

Flip through my wallpaper drawer - don't see it. Try that drawer again - don't see it but find a nice piece of flooring that I can use.

I'm SO frustrated! Take pages out of my wallpaper drawer level by level and LO AND BEHOLD! Found it!

I've spent three hours looking for that one elusive piece of cork board.

By the time this is all over, it's time for our M.E.E. Christmas party. That was a lovely evening...a visit from Santa, some enjoyable games, including a great "Is it mini or is it real" slideshow, draws for some really wonderful door prizes and, as always, a beautiful Christmas story read by Joanne.

So yesterday I had a couple mini friends over for lunch. We had a wonderful visit although their trip here was marred by terrible freezing rain.

This is the original room. I'm hoping to get this one done within the next week or so.

Jo plans to bring her scrapbooks of her wedding in Hawaii over to me before Christmas so I'm going to try to have the room ready for her then.

Well, since I started this entry on December 5 and it's now February 1, all I can do now is hope to catch up a bit on what I've been doing.

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