Friday, June 28, 2019

Possibilities for Mirabel's roombox, other

I have just spent hours cleaning out all the pictures on my computer for 2015 - only kept about 20 out of 1600. That certainly freed up a lot of memory. Will keep at it in the next couple days but my eyes are getting tired so that's it for now. LOL

I spent some time today trying out possible furniture choices and placement in Mirabel's roombox. So far, this is what I have come up with. Not written in stone, certainly, but getting there.

I have four strings of LED micro-lights that I got at Costco. I think I may use one of them in the ceiling of this room so I don't have to wire it other than that.

But, of course, I still have to touch up the paint, sand the floor, and decide about wallpaper.

It's coming together....


  1. Replies
    1. It is lovely, isn't it I have a nice unfinished one that I thought I would use but it's a bit too big for the room.

  2. Es verdad que de vez en cuando hay que hacer limpieza en el ordenador.

  3. Y quedan cuatro años de fotos por limpiar.
