Saturday, November 17, 2018

Last year at a Mini Day Out, we decorated 42 mini tables for Meals on Wheels to accompany meals in December. You can read about it and see the basic instructions here. They only need 8 this year so I'll just do them myself. BUT as a club, we thought that we could make more tables to include in our children's grab bags for the next show and sale on September 15, 2019.

To speed up the process of cutting the cups, I decided to use the hot wire styrofoam cutter that my late BIL gave me when he quit model railroading.  The heated wire cuts through styrofoam very quickly and cleanly. In order to keep the cut perfectly straight, I taped it to my 3 hole punch which fortuitously was the exact height I needed.

I first tried it with the bottom of the cup down but there wasn't enough room between the wire and the base of the punch to cut all the way through.

So I turned the cup right side up and that worked perfectly!

I bought four different packs of cupcake liners at Dollarama to use as tablecloths and here you can see four mini tables that resulted.

In a story for another day, I'm actually tackling cleaning my workroom! While doing so, I came across two childproof pill caps. Using pliers, I pulled back the edges of the caps and removed the clearish plastic inserts.

I trimmed the thin rim of plastic around the bottom edge and ended up with a bowl 1 3/8" in diameter and 7/16" deep.

Voila! A salad bowl.

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