Early this morning (well, 9 a.m.), Leanne picked me up and we headed for the Etsy show at the Shaw Conference Centre in Edmonton. Saw a lot of lovely things but nothing that particularly appealed to either of us - except a couple pictures that Leanne loved and neither of us could afford.. No miniatures per se but I found these lovely pictures. I see another (third) art gallery in my future.
These two pictures are by
Becky Twigg of Stick Frame Photography. They're 3" x 3".
These two business card size fridge magnets are by
Steven Li. Both Leanne and I are great fans of
Peter Lik and Steven's work reminds us of Peter's work.
Connors Road, Edmonton, and Mount Assiniboine, B.C. |
This little picture is 1 1/8" x 2 3/4" and is the front of
Jasmin Smith's business card.
These four pictures are by
Steph Simpson. They are 2 1/2" x 2 1/2".
Went to Costco for groceries, then off to Michael's where I picked up this bottle of Tacky Glue. I mostly use Weldbond these days but for $3.00, good to have this handy as I was right out.
Leanne needed a couple things from Home Depot so we headed there next. I picked up some molding to finish repairing Elizabeth's dollhouse....
and Leanne found me this 2' x 4' piece of ??? to repair the roof. I didn't have enough matboard in my stash and this was cheaper and sturdier than anything else we could find.
Then off to Dollarama where I found these cupcake liners for tablecloths on the tables we plan on doing for Meals on Wheels. There were a few other nice ones but for this project, they have to look right upside down.
I have two more of the findings that I used for my "Tiffany" style lamp shade. I'm planning on doing them in green for the sitting room in the three room roombox so got this nail polish for the two shades of green. The other colours will eventually be used elsewhere.
Picked up this Mod Podge at WalMart. Leanne thinks and I hope that it can be used with the gold foil for the art project. And if it can't, I'll still use it somewhere. I've been out of it for a LONG time - and was shocked at the price these days!
ODDS AND ENDS I forgot to mention this week:
DS Shirley bought a new dining room table and chairs on Kijiji on Monday so asked me to help her pick it up. Beautiful set! I helped her with the chairs but couldn't help her with the table top - half inch glass 48" in diameter - weighed a ton. But when we got to her place, I took 4 of the 6 chairs that she was getting rid of to go with my new dining room table.
The washroom in the hotel where we hold our Show and Sale has a basket of wonderful 15 1/4" x 16" towels - similar to pellon fabric interfacing. It makes wonderful sheets and towels.