Friday, August 26, 2016

a few mini things (for Mom)

On Thursday, I had already picked out a vase of lilacs

This was one of the things I bought at the first Edmonton Show and Sale I ever attended after my hiatus from miniatures before I joined the Miniature Enthusiasts of Edmonton - so that's a LONG time ago! They're made from bunka! My sister Shirley's favourite so far.
 to add to Mom's flower cabinet when I picked up my mail and received a package from Marilyn D. in New Brunswick. I met Marilyn some years ago when Cheryl H. and I stayed with her and her husband, Bruce, on our trip to PEI. A wonderful couple who has since relocated to New Brunswick. Marilyn is a member of F.A.M.E. and has a blog. Thank you so much, Marilyn.

Mom was so excited to receive this!

Marjike asked me to post a picture of the cabinet as it progresses but that's very difficult to do even at home where I can control some of the lighting from the glass and mirrors. This one is pretty much full but I do have two more (and lots to go in them) so can keep this up as long as I need to. (The picture is part of a fuller picture of all the cards, etc. in Mom's window.)

Between the glass, the mirrored back and the etching on the front, it's hard to get a good picture but I think I have managed to display all the plants individually on the blog.

Mom and Dad spent several winters in Arizona so I've going to be adding these two cacti (commercial pieces from Danielle Perry in Prince George years ago) to the cabinet tomorrow.

These are quite tiny pieces - maybe only 1" tall.

Then I think I'll have to move on to another cabinet.


  1. Glad your Mom liked the hosta plant Maureen. Best of luck on her continued recovery. BTW - Bruce and I have actually lived in New Brunswick since the early 1960s. I'm originally from PEI and the house you visited there was actually our cottage. :-) Hugs. - Marilyn

  2. Hi Maureen! This is such a thoughtful and fun project to put together for your mother and it certainly sounds like it is giving her a lot of pleasure and making her recovery more pleasant.

