Monday, January 11, 2016

Mini Day Out

Every once in awhile, Joanne and I hold a Mini Day Out in the social room at the condo. It's on a Saturday from 9 to 4 with lunch provided. Generally, it's just a chance to work on whatever you feel like doing, exchange ideas and get feedback - with a lot of socialization. It's not limited to club members so if you're ever going to be in Edmonton, let me know and we'll see if we can arrange one while you're here.

Joanne was working on bricks for her fireplace for the NAME Day project; Tina was working on a chair for her lamp roombox; Cheryl H. was checking out the HOM kit she got from our Christmas party; and Lucille was building another of her wonderful 1:48 rooms.

Bev and Trineke checking out my "Trash to Treasure" book.

Barb R. couldn't be there for the day but dropped by to visit.

Inger worked on some plant kits she had purchased from Barb S.

Bev worked on a kitchen roombox she's making.

Trineke made the fern and some great sunflowers.

Carol K. is working on her Robin Betterley Christmas Stall. It is coming along beautifully!

Erika put together her lamp roombox.

Lorry worked on her NAME Day project.
Unfortunately, I had put my camera down before Cheryl S. arrived. She brought a phenomenal nativity scene she has been working on. It's filled with teeny characters she bought in Israel. She also brought some paints with her and demonstrated "smooshing"...very interesting!

I knew Carol K. has had success using chalk paint so I asked her about my problems covering my kitchen pieces. She told me that I would definitely need a second coat - and that did the trick! Now I just have to finish the rest of the pieces and set the paint with the flat varnish for that purpose.

I got the ceiling and walls painted in the room box itself. When I peeled off the painters tape, I ended up with a few spots that need to be touched up. Still haven't decided what to do with the floor.

(The hole in the back wall is for wiring but I think I'm just going to use one of the light bars DS Shirley gave me for Christmas in 2014. The hole will be covered by the cupboards.)

1 comment:

  1. Un día lleno de ideas y de trabajo en miniaturas,lindos proyectos!!!!
