Friday, January 4, 2013

The trip!!!

Yes, Judy, I'm going to Chicago International!!! I made hotel reservations for it a long time ago then decided that it wasn't affordable (but didn't cancel the reservations LOL). I had thought to postpone the trip for a year but because it's the 10th anniversary of The Camp and SO many of my online friends will be there I decided to attend after all. Especially when Jazzi announced that she would be coming from Australia!

I went to the bank this morning and got the money order for the Preview and a Thursday night class with Diane Almeyda. I don't do workshops well but I'm looking forward to this one as it's strictly a skills workshop. (And hopefully I'll be able to pass what I learn on to club members.)

Diane Almeyda
Thursday Evening - 7p-9:30p         $75  

The jeweler’s saw is one of the most important basic tools for any craftsperson...don’t leave home without it...or without knowing how to use it.  In this class, you will learn the basics, along with tips and tricks, to make the jeweler’s saw (fret saw) work for you.  This versatile tool can be used with wood, metal, wax, plastic, etc.  Class is open to anyone with the desire to learn how to use the jeweler’s saw, but the ability to sit for a prolonged period, good strength in both hands, and good eyesight are necessary for success.  Instructor will provide all tools and supplies.  This is predominantly a techniques class and most of the class time will be spent learning and practicing techniques with tips and tricks given to make the most of your experience.  Patterns will be available for use in class and to take home for further practice.  Additional light source and good magnification is optional but highly suggested.

So far, three other MEE members are going (Tina, Erika and Lucille). Plus there are several people from Ontario that I met at CMHH that will be there. And I'll get to meet so very many wonderful Campers that I've corresponded with over the years.

BUT it gets even better! After Chicago, I'm going to spend four days in New York City with DD Leanne! This is truly a trip of a lifetime.

The only one that will be any better is when I get to go to DisneyWorld with the family...and also get to go to Ron's in Orlando!

Speaking of family, Happy Birthday to DGS Jonah who turned seven today. Today was also my Dad's birthday - Miss you so much, Daddy!


  1. You get to spend time with Jazzi! So jealous Maureen! Enjoy your trip. You deserve it. You'll enjoy it. Take lots of pictures.

    1. I am SO looking forward to this Ruth. Just hope I'll remember to take pictures - I'm not very good about that.

      But that's in April...perhaps we can all get together before that.

      Hugs, Maureen

  2. Yeah for you!!! I am very jealous and hope that you will blog about your days when you are there pretty please. The workshop you have chosen sounds so interesting too. And to get to go to New York with your daughter, how wonderful is that. This is going to be a wonderful trip for you ! Good for you, you deserve it that is for sure.. Oh and thanks for the tut on the Snowmen, I am going to save that for club project this year.

  3. Hello love! Just catching up on your post and may I say they are darned good ones! I really need to learn how to use a jewelers saw. I bought a circular hand saw but took it back cause it was too heavy and awkward! Still though there are projects I have unfinished cause all I have is a razor saw and I can't cut the pieces I need with it. I am DYING for a scroll saw or some kind of basic table saw anyways...I'll be pumping you for info about your class for sure. Looking forward to Tuesday! Is it a meeting or wkshop??? BIG BIG hugs..I've missed you! xoxo

  4. Ab Fab Maureen! Countdown is on now...I am rooming with Lin Morrison do you know her? Where are you staying? xxxx Looking forward to sharing some pics!!

  5. Staying at the show hotel. Looking forward to meeting you! You know, I had just about cancelled until I found out you were coming then told myself that if you could come from Australia, certainly I could make it from Alberta.

    1. Woohoo so am I!!! and Mini Jazzi is coming too lol!
