Writing this blog has been on my to-do list forever it seems but always got relegated to 'tomorrow'.
Louise Z., a founding member of M.E.E. and a regular dealer at our Show and Sale, has moved and had a garage sale to really downsize her stash...and what a stash...rooms of supplies, tools, and minis. Since I, too, should be downsizing, I knew I had to be pretty judicious in what I bought.
These are what I went to buy! During Covid, Louise made hundreds of these wonderful gifts and I knew I wanted to get lots of them as I was down to just a few in my stash and they make such a great addition to almost any scene. |
Love this little painting. This is an artist that Louise and her husband liked in RL and she asked him to do some in miniature for her.
Mae A. the Executive Producer for Oniva, who borrowed Ann's kitchen for an upcoming show lives in St. Albert, so she was kind enough to return the kitchen to me after they filmed the show. Because of that and because she is so enthusiastic about miniatures, I made her this little scene which I made in a 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" x 6" plastic box.
Bit of carpet on the floor. |
desk with a vase of flowers, a laptop and my readable book about St. Albert |
with a wastepaper basket underneath.
and a chair |
painting above the desk |
and from the side. |
Oh, shoot! Just looked back and realized that I missed writing about actually doing the potluck dinner scene.
I needed a table to go with the chair and loveseat, so I threw this together. The end pieces are cut from an old fan and the top and bottom shelf are from scraps of wood. The whole thing is stained black with a felt pen.
I made cushions for the chair and loveseat from some ribbon from my stash. Cut three small strips of ribbon, folded them in half, glued the sides, then stuff them with some cotton cut from a cotton ball, then glued the final opening shut and held it in place with a clamp until the glue dried.
I my last post, I mentioned that Barb R. and I had brainstormed about the loveseat and chair and decided they would look better if they were green. So I coated them with gesso and when that was dry I painted them hunter green. Love the look.
Still having trouble with working in 1:24 so the cushions were too big for cushions so decided to use them as seat cushions instead. |
Needed something to put on the coffee table and I remembered I had some square |
plates I had made from square sequins in a class that Tina had taught so grabbed one for this.
Here's the finished scene. |
And here you can see it hanging from its stand.
And I got this years "The Book" done! I finally cut back from 20 to just six for immediate family this year so it wasn't quite as daunting a task as it has been in the past.
Had a lovely call from a neighbour who won a miniature at a Christmas potluck. Her DIL was quite taken with it and wanted to know if I sold any of my work. I said 'no' but mentioned I had a front door and porch but that it was Hallowe'en themed. She had her heart set on Christmas so I told Marg to give me an hour or so and I'd see what I could do.
So I took all the Hallowe'en stuff off and replaced it with the wreath and some wooden holiday ornaments that my DS Marie had given me. Then I added one of Judy M's tea-light scenes and took it up. DIL was thrilled with it and I was glad to pass it on. Win:Win.
And the Hallowe'en stuff will go to Joanne for her shop!
My cleaning lady is a high school friend of my son Sean so I've known her for years. She's a scrapbooker so I got the bright idea to make her a scrapbooking scene for Christmas. I've done
one before and I've saved most of the printies, etc., so don't have to start from scratch. But the problem is that she comes on Tuesday so if I want to have it ready for then, it's going to be a long night of cutting out printies. Not to mention a long day tomorrow putting it together.
So I guess I better sign off and get cutting.