Friday, February 2, 2018

The additional dollhouse furniture from Dollarama

The leg on the table on the right in the last picture was terribly askew so I had to open up that package to take it off, clean it up and reglue it. Then I looked at the packaging and it had such wonderful mini possibilities so I decided I should keep it.

With this incredibly cold weather, the paint needed to be kept separate - and I added some stain pens to the mix - so I packed them in a separate package that could be kept indoors.

I have some ideas where these pieces could go but this is Elizabeth's dollhouse and she'll need to decide all that on her own.

She's not quite 3 so I can't add all the wonderful little things that I would love to but I'm hoping that as she gets older, she'll show an interest and I can help her update it as she grows.

FINISHED!!! The dollhouse is done....



 I had picked up some pieces of furniture (many original to the house) at our Show and Sale and added a few from my stash but mostly left it unfurnished. Elizabeth will have the 7 Dollarama pieces I got for her to paint and add to it on her own. I'll repack all these pieces into a shoebox for her.


Living room

Marie and Rob return from Mexico tonight. Temperature here is -20C with windchill of -30C.
Going to be a rude awakening for them!

I'll see them tomorrow at Mom's then they plan on going home on Sunday.