Okay! To the good stuff.....
Oh, my, the prices were SO good and there was just SO much to choose from!
My absolutely best purchase was fifteen 3/32 x 4 x 24 and six 3/8 x 4 x 24 pieces of basswood plus all the pieces of strip wood. This is wood from Northeastern Scale Lumber Co. so it is the absolute best! All for $39.00
Didn`t really need the 3/8" wood but have a thought about how I `may`be able to use it with the cabin.
I 'think' this is a Judy Mitchell piece. Love the colours! Don't have a place for it yet but it's lovely.
These cushion covers for a pittance! We had been talking about the pom-pom pieces in The Camp so I really appreciated the work that had gone into them.
I'm a Pepsi girl myself but these are such wonderful room accessories that I had to have them. They`ll work almost anywhere!
Oh, my, Just realized the other day that this is a Penny Spence chord organ. When Penny Spence was doing our Show and Sale, I always bought a 'special' piece from her. She hasn't done our S&S for many years but her work is available from
Alex at Miniland in Victoria.....
Oh, my, this will go into the Brooke Tucker music room (if that's the way I decide to go). But maybe the better choice might be to take the grand piano out of the
Victorian Parlour, replace it with this chord organ and put the Judy Mitchell doll in the parlour. (I'm not a doll person but I've always thought that this doll needed to be in the Victorian-style parlour!I like the way this looks.
Well, here I did it....removed the grand piano and replaced it with the doll and the chord organ. |
Lovely little music stand...
Hallmark ornaments: Picked up this great Hallmark Harry Potter Quidditch ornament for DGS Jonah:
And this precious little Mr. Potato Head ornament for DGD Holly:
These candy-filled garbage cans aren't always easy to find anymore so I was thrilled to find two of them...will probably go in my trailer/camping scene next year. As I used them in my
camping scene for DS Carol.
Got these two wonderful selections of tools. The screwdrivers/chisels seem to have been made by Bonnie out of straight pins with Fimo handles. What a great idea!!! Scale is wonderful!
Some great metal minis....The fire extinguisher will work in my trailer. That wonderful wood plane at the very bottom was originally a tie tack. Some of these items will be added to my
Dad's Workshop and some will go in a tool box for the trailer. The fire extinguisher is perfect for the trailer!
Isn't this just a perfect little vacuum cleaner? It's actually a fridge magnet but once I remove the magnet (using the heat from a hair dryer, it's just SO good!
These two filled cookie tins will go in the Christmas Shop.
The bust will probably go on the grand piano. The ashtray and pipe are great but am not thrilled about the scale of the chain on the watch chain.
Shoot! Thought I had cropped this picture. These are two little angels (about 1/2" tall) that will go in the Christmas Shop.
Long story but these pots and pans will be painted and go in Vern's Attic
Now on to the supplies:
Oh, my goodness, 950 of the tooled toothpicks that I love so much. I already have a lot of these but they're so hard to find that this was a great purchase! They have other possibilities but I make
knives from these. Some great brass pins, Pom-poms in two sizes (Didn't need these but they are so, (dare I say it?) cute that I couldn't resist), some wonderful narrow trim that will be great for trimming the raw edge of foam core. A small bag of Lite Brite pegs...SO many possibilities there.
Dirt cheap: paint brushes and sealed bottles of paint.
This is one of the roomboxes that was designed and made for the club years ago. It`s a great size. This one doesn`t have the plexi-glass front but for $10, I can deal with that.
A Lemax 6`weeping willow! For the eventual Secret Garden.
Incredible roll of thick plastic for windows, lots of things...
This is a great shelf lining material in RL. In miniature, small pieces of it are wonderful floor mats. AND it can be `dyed`by colouring with permanent markers.