Tuesday, May 14, 2019

And more glasses.......... and a new project!

I didn't give you any idea of the scope of the glasses Jillian gave me - I think there were about 85 - 100 total! And even more shapes than I had originally realized. Here are the ones I have left:

I made 5 more tonight at Stitch and Bitch. They were a great hit!

 New Project:

When we took the gift over to Diane at Mission Hill Village, Mirabel (the MHV housekeeper) told Diane that her 20th anniversary of working at MHV was coming up and she would like something like that as an anniversary gift.

Mirabel is a lovely woman who is at the heart of MHV so, of course, I wanted to make something for her.

My plan at this point is to make a living room/dining room roombox for Mirabel. I have the actual roombox I plan on using and think I have most everything in my stash to fill it.

Something like the living room/dining room in the Bombay House:

I have a good-sized tube of 1/4" cherry veneer strips for the floor so I think I'll start with that. I'll need to paint the inside of the roombox - probably in white - have to think about that.

The only thing I have decided on for sure is this couch.

I bought the afghan and cushions from Rosalle Pinske (Needlecraft Art) who is an Associate Member of Miniature Enthusiasts of Edmonton. We have a Garage Sale at our last meeting in June but Rosalle can't attend that so she came to the May meeting and wonderfully offered her wares at 25% off.

The Couch

Isn't that a wonderful white leather couch? And it feels good - not stiff or anything.

I think it looks SO great and the ladies at Stitch and Bitch were very impressed.

BUT this is what it used to look like......

This is the original underside of the couch!
I will tell you how to do this tomorrow. I had hoped to link it to an old post but I can't find one so will have to start from the beginning. This is one of my favourite techniques!

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