Sunday, October 14, 2018

All non-mini - Lot of things going on in my life

Sorry I haven't been posting but there has been a lot going on - all non-mini....

including this!

Spent most of today printing "The Book" that is my Christmas present to my friends and family.

DS Shirley's 70th birthday is on Wednesday but we will celebrate it on Saturday. Younger sister, Carol, will hopefully be there for that before she and her husband leave for Arizona for the winter so wanted to get "The Book" done this year before they left so they would have it for Christmas this year. I've not had it done in time the last couple years so they didn't get it until they came home in the spring.

I still have to collate and bind the book which will take awhile.

In the meantime, I have a lot of ideas for the club's Full Day Workshop on October 27....

Will share some of those things soon, I hope.

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