Saturday, March 4, 2017

Computer desk

On Tuesday night, I joined the Knit Wit (changed from Stitch and Bitch) ladies in the building for an hour to work on whatever we were doing. Took a quick look through my kits and found a computer desk that I could work on.

The only thing I got done that night was 'painting' the pieces with black marker. And didn't get back to it again until today.

The (scant) instructions called for adding the desk top and the shelf below, adding the top piece, then adding the back. I have an idea to 'bash' this kit so want to leave out the lower shelf for now.

It became a bit tough to make because the desk shelf has an overhang on each side so I couldn't use my gluing jig to square things up.

Finally I got all the pieces (except for the lower shelf)  together with the aid of my clamps.

I think I'll go over everything again with my black marker then give it a coat of  gloss varnish.

I'm hoping to sand down the bottom shelf so I can make it movable along the grooves. And narrow enough that I can add a silver tape strip along the sides of the shelf so it looks like the silver hardware to enable that.

Personal Odds and Ends

Temperature dropped from +12 C yesterday afternoon to -15 C this morning.....and SNOW! Lots of blowing snow! So Maureen M. and I didn't go over to Joanne's to finish the last couple hours of the initial sorting and pricing.

DD Leanne's town house purchase has gone through!!!!  And she has agreed to take my (formerly my parents') dining room suite (including all the china and most of the crystal) so I've been packing all of that up....and a friend in the condo has taken most of the rest of the crystal.

And her adoption plans have gone to the home study stage! So excited for her!!

Called Pearle Vision on Friday to see if my new glasses were in and was told there had been a problem with the regular glasses so they had to be re-done but my sunglasses were in. Picked them up and, WOW, I am SO impressed with them. The other glasses will be available on Monday or Tuesday. It will be such a joy to have glasses where the bifocal section actually works for me. I'm so looking forward to being able to read with my glasses then look up at the TV and see it.

Much better than reading/mini-making without my glasses then putting glasses on to see the TV/
Hope it goes as well as I expect.


  1. Love the desk and be careful when walking sometime bifocals make objects appear closer than they are 😎

    1. Oh my yes! My first pair of bifocals took me a couple days to walk properly!
