Friday, March 29, 2013

Trash to Treasure - soaker tub

I just finished putting together a Trash to Treasure booklet for our club members who are meeting here for the Mini Day Out on Saturday...and one of the items mentioned there was...If you watch your plastic packaging, you may even find a piece that will work for a bathtub.

When Joanne and I were out yesterday and doing the rounds of Dollarama, Dollar Tree and LoSeCa, we picked up some Marie Callendar cornbread muffin mix. When we got home, I decided to try it so pulled some cupcake papers from my pantry....

And there it was:

6" long x 3" wide x 2" deep

 The packaging for the cupcake papers that I bought at Dollarama is a perfect large soaker tub!

To give it that "enamel" look all I have to do is paint the outside with white acrylic paint...and I can add 'jets' to it by gluing silver sewing snaps to the inside for jets/drains..

What are the chances?


  1. Hello Maureen! This should be really interesting to see how you can transform this into a mini tub! Once you have it done, check out the mini towel tutorial I have just posted on my Studio E Miniatures blog. Like Forest Gump said, they would go together 'Like Peas and Carrots!'
    Have fun, having fun!


  2. Hi
    Your friends in the club are SO lucky to have you! I wish I was a member and would get that little T2T book too. But as it is, could you maybe just give us all a helping hand and once in while..or more often...give us a little idea for the day, please?

    Have a wonderful, Easter

    Greetings from Denmark
