Saturday, September 14, 2024

Show and Sale tomorrow!!!! YIPPEE!!

Thursday was a mad rush to get the Art Gallery completed. So much so, that I didn't take all the pictures I should have. 

A display stand made from a case a purchased miniature came in. The brass elephant was in a group of brass pieces my DS Marie gave me. The blown glass on top was an ear-ring.

I bought the Geode at the St. Albert Farmers' Market and the great little "ivory" piece on top was an ear-ring.

These two stands were purchased from club member, Liliane V., at our June members' garage sale.

On top is another geode from my stash along with some candles. The whale on the bottom was from my DS Marie.

The "Reclining Nude" is one of several pieces of glass "scrap" I got at a lovely glassblowing shop on the Cabot Trail in Nova Scotia several years ago on a great trip with two fellow miniaturists. I painted her with red Gallery Glass and am finally glad to find a home for her. The geode is also from the St. Albert Farmer's Market.

I really like glass roomboxes because they're so open but, oh, my, they are terribly hard to photograph, especially when I'm not the best photographer to begin with.

I've added the art gallery sign (printed on brochure paper) along with
 the door (framed in adhesive aluminum foil) to which I've added  signs showing the store hours, credit cards accepted and a reversible Open/Closed sign.
After this was taken, I also added silver panels  to push the door from either side. I had two great half circles to glue on either side for handles but my E-6000, Quick Grip, Zap-a-Gap and my small tubes of Super Glue were ALL dried up so had to abandon that idea.

The left side

The right side


This is one of my all-time favourites of the rooms I have made. The fridge/freezer is full of food. The cupboards and drawers are pretty much full with food, pots and pans, kitchen tools, cutlery.
Even though you can't see them, Ann and I know they're there. (As do her grandchildren who enjoy it when they visit.)

Ann brought it in to work yesterday morning and I went over to pick it up. She was terribly upset as she had tipped it when she got it out of her vehicle and some things had fallen and moved. I reassured her that it would only take a few minutes to fix and not to worry. So I put everything back in place and put new batteries in the light (which surprisingly was still working, albeit dimly, after five years).

We were blessed to have Ann supporting us during a very difficult time in our life and I'm so glad that she was willing to share the room back for a couple weeks so I can enjoy it again and share it with others.


We have a great line-up of dealers for tomorrow. I really don't need anything (like that has ever made a difference LOL).  

However, I would like to find a few things to add to the kitchen as a "thank you" to Ann for letting me borrow it. And I'd like to see if I can find a few things in 1:24 scale to complete my Potluck Dinner door prize for this year. 

I'm unlikely to find anything to add to "Vern's Attic" for Jonah and Holly but will keep my eyes open. I've also been collecting pieces for a memory box for Leanne, so will keep my  eyes open for something to add to that.

Quite honestly, mostly I'm looking forward to meeting old friends whom I've met over the years, seeing our faithful dealers who have supported us through all these years, meeting in person newer members of the club that I only know through Zoom and doing my shift at the membership table (from noon to 2 p.m.) and meeting all the people who are incredibly excited to meet other people who share their enthusiasm, understand and support it.

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