Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Christmas vignette

Have been thinking a lot about it and trying various pieces in it.

The only Christmas tree fits in the ornament that I have in my stash is the great silver tree.

After trying several pieces of furniture in it, and talking it over with Joanne when she came over for a visit, the only solution to making this work is to go to 1:24 scale. 

And, of course, I don't have anything in 1:24 scale. I looked through my stash and tried a few things that I thought maybe could be worked on to fit....but nothing. :-(

Then, on Thursday, Joanne and I went to Tina's with a couple other mini friends and I spotted her container of 1:24 kits. Looked through it and found this:

I have always liked her shield back chairs so bought it.

Stained it with a black marker.

Ready to put together

Then I bought a book from and that's the end of the story until I finish the book.


Thursday, July 4, 2024

Joyce Buchanan/Christmas ornament setting miniature

Joyce Buchanan was a multi-talented early member of M.E.E.. Unfortunately, I only met her once when Joanne R. and I picked up a good deal of her completed works when she donated them to the club before she went into assisted living. 

Those pieces were auctioned off by the club and I was fortunate enough to buy this wall-hanging which hangs on the door of my condo. 

This was the piece that I bought from Marg W. at our recent club garage sale. It had lost a lot of its glory so Marg had stripped it down to basics.

Her signature which I will leave in place.

I removed the ribbon as it was showing its age.

One strip of the silver braid had become loose...

so I glued it back in place and taped it to dry.

I measured the diameter of the ornament just under the silver trim around the bottom of the ornament. It was 6.5" so I went into my Microsoft document under shapes and drew a circle 6.5" in diameter.

Then I cut that circle out and taped pieces of coffee stir sticks across it to stabilize it
and added a loop of tap over the centre to give me control over positioning it.

When that template fit in place, I used it to cut  piece of matboard for the floor of the ornament. I used red matboard (because I had some) but I might want to use a small piece of carpet or velvet which may work a bit better with the angles of the walls.

I will probably stabilize the piece of cardstock with strips of wood on the underside.

Now I just have to figure out how to fill this thing to make it worthy of display!.

Monday, July 1, 2024


Other than some paperwork on my desk, the workroom is clean! Actually finished last night but it was too late to post - bed won easily over computer.

All set to go!
Other side of the room.

Remember the trouble I was having flattening my art from Tina's class? In a last ditch effort to completely flatten them, I 'painted' the backs with a small amount of water, covered them with a sheet of aluminum foil, and once again put them under my heavy books.

Success at last!
These are the projects I am currently working on:
The bedroom with walk-in closet. I had been going to replace the closet door with the french door I bought at the garage sale but it was 9/16" taller than the current door so I took the path of least resistance and left it as it was. 
Now I have to make the closet and dress the bed. 

Have about a dozen things to add to the attic.

Proposed new art gallery.

The two display pieces I got from Liliane. The red glass sculpture is a scrap piece of glass that I got from a shop on the Cabot Trail in Nova Scotia years ago. I coloured it with Gallery Glass.

The three sheets of copper that I bought at the garage sale
 that I'll use to make the focal point of the gallery.
This will be door prize at our condo's Potluck Christmas dinner.

Already looking less tidy!